Wednesday, December 9, 2015


   I'm still MIA.  It's been a tough year with depression and lack of creativity.  I'd love to show photos of accomplished works but I actually haven't done a thing all year. I'm working on it and hope 2016 will be a much better year.

   That being said I do have a fabulous grandson, Parker Sterling Skeel, now 9 months old and he and his family share our home. We built a MIL suite on the house, moved into it and gave the rest of the house to my son and his wife.  It's a lot more fun than I imagined and having Parker here every single day is great.  His little life does bring me joy. I'm including a pic of happy Parker and his family taken a month or two ago at the Columbus Zoo.
Parker with Mom and Dad (Brian and Alisha)


  1. Just checking out various blogs I've subscribed to. It seems that most people cannot keep up with it all! Creative waves come and go; it's Summer 2016 now, and I'm trying for some new ideas/techniques myself.

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